Kara Sutton

Senior Manager, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Kara Sutton is senior manager of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, where she oversees the Chamber’s international high-tech and digital policy work, with an emphasis on global data privacy and data transfer policies and best practices. Kara works extensively with companies of all sizes and sectors on efforts to preserve cross-border data flows. She leads private sector engagement in multiple international fora and works closely with governments worldwide on developing policies that support innovation.
Before joining the Chamber, Kara was policy director at the Trans-Atlantic Business Council where she advanced the association's transatlantic digital policy agenda. Prior, she was a legislative liaison working on trade and cybersecurity issues at the Bertelsmann Foundation, a German think tank. Kara is currently an Internet Law & Policy Foundry Fellow.
Recent Events and Presentations
Opt-In Requirements: The Hidden Red Tape of Privacy Laws
Many privacy advocates argue businesses should have a legal obligation to obtain affirmative consent from consumers before collecting and processing data. However, opt-in policies often have negative impacts on business. Join ITIF for a discussion about this ongoing policy debate including the latest research in privacy.