Konstantinos Komaitis
Konstantinos Komaitis is a veteran of developing and analysing Internet policy to ensure an open and global Internet. He is an author and a public speaker.
Konstantinos has spent almost ten years in active policy development and strategy as a Senior Director at the Internet society. Before that, he spent 7 years as a senior lecturer at the university of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, where we was researching and teaching Internet policy. Konstantinos is a public speaker having talked at many events around the world, including a TedX talk, and a writer having written for various outlets including Politico, the Atlantic Council, Brookings, Slate, TechDirt, EuroActive. He holds two Master degrees and a doctorate and he is the author of a book on domain name regulation.
Recent Events and Presentations
Can Regulators Handle the Mastodons of the World?
Watch ITIF's Center for Data Innovation's discussion on the challenges policymakers face in applying existing laws and regulations to decentralized online services.