Lloyd Hackel
Dr. Lloyd Hackel is currently Vice President for Advanced Technologies of Curtiss-Wright Corporation’s Metal Improvement Company. This appointment followed a 28 year career at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) where he last headed the Laboratory’s Program for Laser Science and Technology directing the development of high power lasers and applications for government and industry. He is a co-inventor of the laser system and leader of the peening technology development that is now very successfully employed by in the commercial application of laser peening. Today jet engines powering hundreds of Boeing 777s, Airbus A340s and Gulfstream Vs and the new 787 Dreamliner rely on this laser peening technology for greatly reduced maintenance and parts replacement costs and for enhanced safety. The technology is also being widely used to improve the reliability and fuel efficiency of gas and steam turbine blades for electrical generation. Lloyd received a BS degree in Mathematics and Engineering Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1971 and a Master of Science degree in 1973 and the Doctor of Science degree in 1974 both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has numerous publications and is the winner of six R&D 100 awards for outstanding technology development as well as three Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards for successfully transferring technologies to the private sector.
Recent Events and Presentations
Strengthening National Laboratory Commercialization
This event will evaluate the current technology transfer capabilities of the National Laboratories and the reforms needed to strengthen commercialization.