Margot Anderson
Margot Anderson is the executive director of the Energy Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC). Prior to joining BPC, she was a senior advisor to the deputy secretary of energy. From 2004 to 2009, Anderson was an office director at the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) where she was responsible for EIA’s short-term energy forecasts, U.S. energy consumption surveys, and the international statistics program. From 2000 to 2004, Anderson was deputy assistant secretary for Policy Analysis, Department of Energy, where she worked on a wide range of energy and environmental policy issues. From 1998-2000, Anderson directed USDA’s Global Change Program focusing on the economics of climate change on agriculture and forestry and on international climate negotiations. Prior to 1998, Anderson held various staff and management positions at the Economic Research Service, USDA. She has received two Presidential Rank Awards for her federal career achievements. Anderson holds a B.A. in economics (University of Cincinnati) and an M.S. and Ph.D. in agricultural economics (University of Illinois).
Recent Events and Presentations
Challenging the Clean Energy Deployment Consensus
ITIF and a panel of leading experts will discuss the roots of the Deployment Consensus, the reasons a “deployment-first” strategy will fail, and why innovation-driven energy policies are the solution.