Phillip Singerman

Senior Advisor, Technology Transfer and Commercialization
Montgomery County (MD) Economic Development Corporation
Phillip Singerman is a recognized national innovator in public/private partnerships that promote economic development, job creation, and national security through technology development, transfer and deployment. His four-decade career includes senior level positions in the private and public sectors at the local, state, and federal levels.
In 2020, Mr. Singerman stepped down from federal service after nine years as the first Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), responsible for the commercialization of NIST’s technology, and for inter-agency policy development/reporting on the federal government’s annual $150 billion investment in intramural and extramural research. He currently serves as the Senior Advisor for Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Montgomery County (MD) Economic Development Corporation, and Senior Fellow, International Economic Development Council.
In 2020, Mr. Singerman was a Senior Advisor on the Study Team that prepared a 207 page Congressionally directed study: An Innovation Foundation for DoE: Roles and Opportunities (January 2021). Previously Mr. Singerman served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development and directed the Economic Development Administration, and was the founding chief executive of two of the most successful and long-lasting state-sponsored technology-led economic development public/private partnerships, Philadelphia’s Ben Franklin Partnership for Technological Innovation and the Maryland Technology Development Corporation.
Recent Publications
Next Steps for Ensuring America’s Advanced Technology Preeminence
As technology and industry strategy experts, we commend Congress and the Biden administration for focusing on ensuring U.S. advanced technology competitiveness. Toward that end, we offer a number of recommendations for further action.
Recent Events and Presentations
A Foundation for DOE: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
ITIF hosted a discussion of this prospect, embodied in the proposed Partnerships for Energy Security and Innovation Act, which has won bipartisan, bicameral sponsorship.
Manufacturing Workforce Development and Strengthening Manufacturing Supply Chains: What Can States Do?
ITIF hosted a two-part forum on innovative state-level manufacturing policies.
Trade, Technology and the Future of U.S. Manufacturing
Join ITIF for two expert panels on the intersection of technology and the future of U.S. manufacturing.