Ryan Hagemann
Ryan Hagemann is the technology and civil liberties policy analyst at the Niskanen Center. His research specialties include privacy and surveillance, robotics and automation, decentralized networks, Internet policy, and issues at the intersection of sociology, economics, and technology. He has previously authored works on the economic and social ramifications of autonomous vehicles with the Mercatus Center and has an extensive publishing record with the Project for the Study of the 21st Century and Watchdog Arena. He also maintains an adjunct fellowship with TechFreedom, a libertarian nonprofit dedicated to advancing online freedom.
Ryan graduated from Boston University with a BA in International Relations, Foreign Policy and Security Studies and holds a Master of Public Policy in Science and Technology Policy from George Mason University.
Recent Events and Presentations
Decoding the Encryption Dilemma: A Conversation on Backdoors, Going Dark, and Cybersecurity
At this event, ITIF will discuss a new report that analyzes the current proposals put forth to address the “going dark” problem. Following a presentation on the report, panelists will offer their reactions and discuss how policymakers can harness the benefits of encryption and put in place policies that both encourage advances in cryptography and protect the rule of law.