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Stephen J. Norton

Stephen J. Norton

Former Communications Director

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Steve Norton joined ITIF in 2010 as communications director, bringing over 20 years experience in economic policy and communications.

Norton came to ITIF from Stewart and Stewart, an international trade and government relations firm, where he was senior communications advisor. Prior to that, he served as speechwriter and assistant press secretary for U.S. Trade Representatives Susan Schwab and Rob Portman. His service at USTR came after a 10-year career as a journalist at Congressional Quarterly, National Journal’s CongressDaily and other publications where he covered taxes, trade, and other economic policy issues.

Earlier in his career, Norton was a legislative assistant for U.S. Reps. Terry L. Bruce (D-IL) and Barbara B. Kennelly (D-CT), and worked as a paid campaign aide. He earned a B.A. in political science from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and a master’s degree from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. He lives on Capitol Hill with his wife and two children.

Recent Publications

September 13, 2012

At “Innovation Economics” Launch, Sobering Data and Noble Aspirations

With innovation so critical to tackling problems and so elemental to economic growth, it is dismaying the United States has slipped as an innovation leader in the last decade or so. But we have.

August 16, 2012

Innovation Economic Consensus Versus Washington Economic Consensus

The Washington Economic Consensus fails to understand our new knowledge-based economy and is putting U.S. competitiveness at risk.

July 18, 2012

Voters are Ahead of Washington on Manufacturing

The results of a bipartisan survey show support for a national manufacturing strategy.

July 13, 2012

Deutschland Uber Vereinigte Staaten

The United States doesn't need to be a shark itself to avoid being devoured by competing countries. But we should be able to run an ad like Germany’s.

June 23, 2012

Thanks for Today Alan Turing

If no Turing, then no Microsoft, no Google, no Facebook.

June 22, 2012

ITIF Summer Reading List 2012

ITIF's choices for top innovation reads for summer 2012.

June 11, 2012

Genius Loves Company

Congress should work to impose pro-innovation measures like expanding the R&D tax credit.

May 31, 2012

Time to Turn NNMI from Concept to Reality

The National Network for Manufacturing Innovation has support on both sides of the aisle and should become a reality.

January 26, 2012

Good Speech, Good Ideas, Yet More Needed…

ITIF affirmed it praise for the President's focus on competitiveness but makes the case for more robust R&D, tax, trade and energy.

January 19, 2012

IT is the Foundation for Better Building

IT can help the U.S. construction industry implement better design and revolutionize the process to stay globally competitive.

November 30, 2011

The More Worthwhile Energy Policy Conversation

Devising a cost-effective way for the government to enable the private sector to make affordable clean energy a reality is the conversation Congress should be having, but is not.

October 13, 2011

A Word from the Wise is Sufficient

America’s most promising young scientists are testament to the crucial role of government R&D funding.

More publications by Stephen J. Norton

Recent Events and Presentations

May 2, 2011

Video Slideshow: The Logic Chain to National Competitiveness and Innovation Policy

Rob Atkinson goes through the myths about the problems and the solutions that impede us from developing policies to boost U.S. innovation and competitiveness.

April 26, 2011

Video Slideshow: The Case for a National Manufacturing Strategy

In this brief video presentation, ITIF Communications Director Steve Norton lays out the thrust of ITIF's report, The Case for National Manufacturing Strategy.

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