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Tobias Schmidt

Tobias Schmidt

Assistant Professor of Energy Politics, head of Energy Policy Group

ETH Zurich

Prof. Tobias Schmidt heads the Energy Politics Group at ETH Zurich, one of Europe’s leading universities. In his research, which is published in journals like Science, Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy, Research Policy, or Global Environmental Change, he analyzes the interaction of energy policy and its underlying politics with technological change in the energy sector. His research covers both developed and developing countries. He holds a Bachelor of Science and MSc in energy engineering from TU Munich and a PhD from ETH Zurich in management, technology, and economics. During his postdoc, he spent time as a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (PEEC) and acted as consultant to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Recent Events and Presentations

November 7, 2018

Losing Power? The State of the Global Race for Batteries to Power Electric Vehicles and Modernize the Grid

As the auto industry shifts toward electric vehicles and the electricity grid draws more energy from variable renewables, high-capacity, high-performance and affordable batteries are becoming one of the most important areas of technological innovation needed to reduce carbon emissions.

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