Travis Korte
Travis Korte has a background in journalism, computer science and statistics. Prior to joining ITIF, he launched the Science vertical of The Huffington Post and served as its Associate Editor, covering a wide range of science and technology topics. He has worked on data science projects with HuffPost and other organizations. Before this, he graduated with highest honors from the University of California, Berkeley, having studied critical theory and completed coursework in computer science and economics. His research interests are in computational social science and using data to engage with complex social systems.
Recent Publications
Open Data in the G8: A Review of Progress on the Open Data Charter
This report assesses the current state of open data efforts in G8 countries.
Ensuring Fairness in the Age of the Algorithm
Discrimination is hard to combat because it is hard to prove. Data can help.
Data Innovation in Africa
Data innovation can promote growth and quality of life in developing economies.
Proposed EU Data Protection Regulations Could Impede Medical Research
Portions of the EU’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) would introduce inefficiencies into the process of conducting medical research.
Comments to the NTIA on Big Data and Privacy
The Center for Data Innovation submitted comments recommending that policymakers restrict specific harmful uses of data, promote data reuse and sharing, and look to existing anti-discrimination law as a model for reducing data misuse.
Comments to the Senate Finance Committee on Health Data Transparency
The Center for Data Innovation responded to a request for comment from the Senate Finance Committee on Health Data Transparency.
How Data and Analytics Can Help the Developing World
Data can be a key to enhancing global development.
ITIF Summer Reading List 2014
ITIF’s annual review of books covering technology and innovation issues.
Big Data Can be a Big Help to City
Mayor Bill de Blasio should expand the city's use of data and analytics.
How Data Will Make Air Travel Safer
Better data and ways to act on it will be crucial for the future of air safety.
NYC Mayor Needs Analytics In His Corner
To meet his progressive agenda NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio must harness the power of data.