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William Lehr

William Lehr

Research Associate

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Labratory


Dr. William Lehr is an economist and industry consultant. He is a research associate in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, currently working with the Communications Futures Program (, which is an industry-academic multidisciplinary research effort focused on road mapping the communications value chain. Previously, Dr. Lehr was the associate director of the MIT Research Program on Internet & Telecoms Convergence (ITC,, and was an associate research scholar and assistant professor on the faculty of Columbia University 's Graduate School of Business. Dr. Lehr's research focuses on the economics and regulatory policy of the Internet infrastructure industries. He teaches courses on the economics, business strategy, and public policy issues facing telecommunications, Internet, and eCommerce companies, and is a frequent speaker at international industry and academic conferences. He has published articles on such topics as the impact of the Internet on the structure of the communications infrastructure industries, telecommunications regulation, and the pricing of Internet services. He is currently engaged in research on the convergence of the Internet and telecommunication services and the implications for corporate strategy and public policy.

In addition to his academic research, Dr. Lehr provides litigation, economic, and business strategy consulting services for firms in the information technology industries. Dr. Lehr has advised information technology companies on strategic marketing, pricing, financial planning, and competitive strategy; and government agencies in the United States and abroad on telecommunications policy matters. Dr. Lehr has prepared expert witness testimony for both private litigation and for regulatory proceedings before the FCC and numerous state commissions.

Dr. Lehr holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford (1992), an MBA from the Wharton Graduate School (1985), and MSE (1984), BS (1979) and BA (1979) degrees from the University of Pennsylvania .

Recent Events and Presentations

September 25, 2009

Designed for Change: End-to-End Arguments, Internet Innovation, and the Net Neutrality Debate

At this event ITIF released a report that reviews the historical development of the Internet to show that it has always had intelligence built into the core of the network and that it will have to going forward.

October 19, 2007

Building the Broadband Economy and Society

A distinguished panel of experts discuss the state of broadband competition, how public policy can spur cutting-edge, “killer apps,” and the kind of policies needed to enable America to full advantage of broadband.

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