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Comments to the International Trade Administration on U.S. Clean Technologies Export Competitiveness Strategy

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The U.S. International Trade Administration is requesting public comments on potential opportunities and challenges to foster U.S. export competitiveness in clean energy technologies. Innovation to make energy both clean and competitive is one of ITIF’s Center for Clean Energy Innovation’s main issue areas.

ITIF’s comments identify clean energy technologies that offer opportunities for U.S. exports, discuss challenges, and offer recommendations to overcome these challenges. Opportunities for U.S. exports in the near term include smart grid technologies (e.g. smart meters) and carbon capture technologies for blue hydrogen production. Emerging technologies such as smart building technologies (e.g. sensors, artificial intelligence, and active controls), electrolyzers for hydrogen production, power electronics, advanced heat pumps, bio-based proteins, decarbonized metal manufacturing technologies, and chemical production and recycling technologies could offer export opportunities in the longer term. The recommendations offered in the comments draw on extensive research from recently published ITIF reports.

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