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To Do: Ban Chinese Research Funding at US Universities

To Do: Ban Chinese Research Funding at US Universities
Knowledge Base Article in: Tech Policy To-Do List
Last Updated: February 8, 2025


The administration should ban Chinese research funding at U.S. universities to prevent IP theft.


While China has proven that it can innovate, it is still guilty of stealing U.S. intellectual property and research to advance its own national technology innovations. One way it does this is by funding U.S. university research. Research conducted in Chinese-funded U.S. universities is taken back to China for use in its own technology, hurting U.S. competitiveness. The next administration should issue a ban on any university that receives federal funding from also receiving Chinese funding for research.

Keep reading:

Robert D. Atkinson, et al., “A Techno-Economic Agenda for the Next Administration” (ITIF, June 2024),

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