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To Do: Enumerate Harmful Trade Barriers for the Development Finance Corporation

To Do: Enumerate Harmful Trade Barriers for the Development Finance Corporation
Knowledge Base Article in: Tech Policy To-Do List
Last Updated: February 7, 2025


Congress and the administration should enumerate explicit criteria for the Development Finance Corporation to assess how a country’s trade policies affect U.S. interests.


The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) plays an important role in competing with Chinese development financing, but it needs to do so in ways that do not reward nations with digital policies harmful to the U.S. techno-economic interests. Congress and the administration should create explicit criteria for DFC use to assess how a country’s trade and technology policies impact U.S. interests. Countries negatively impacting the ability of U.S. firms to enter and compete in foreign markets with policies supporting trade barriers or substandard intellectual property rules should not be recipients of U.S. development finance aid.

Keep reading:

Robert Atkinson, “US Development Financing Needs to Stop Rewarding Nations Whose Policies Harm US Companies and Workers,” (ITIF, August 2024)

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