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US Development Financing Needs to Stop Rewarding Nations Whose Policies Harm US Companies and Workers

US Development Financing Needs to Stop Rewarding Nations Whose Policies Harm US Companies and Workers

The U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC), which was created to serve counterweight to China’s Belt-and-Road initiative, rewards countries whose intellectual property and data policies harm American commercial interests and jobs. That needs to stop.

Comparing Data Policy Priorities Around the World

Comparing Data Policy Priorities Around the World

Instead of duplicating any one approach, U.S. policymakers should borrow from the menu of options to craft a cohesive, pro-innovation data strategy.

How Joining the Information Technology Agreement Spurs Growth in Developing Nations

How Joining the Information Technology Agreement Spurs Growth in Developing Nations

By reducing costs, the ITA leads to increased use of ICT goods, which spurs productivity and economic growth while deepening enterprises’ participation in global value chains. This generates new tax revenues to partially or fully offset tariff losses.

More Publications and Events

March 7, 2025|Blogs

The Global Spread of Protectionist Policies That Squeeze American Tech Companies

A growing proliferation of antitrust regulations, content-moderation requirements, data-localization mandates, digital service taxes, exorbitant fines and fees, and local content requirements reveals a clear pattern: They are designed to unfairly burden and extract revenue from American Big Tech.

November 21, 2024|Blogs

US Connectivity Investments Dwarf the Rest of the OECD

Private ISPs have invested the equivalent of 2 BEAD programs every year since the BEAD statute was enacted.

November 21, 2024|Events

How Policymakers Should Navigate Tensions in Global AI Governance

Watch now for a timely discussion by The Center for Data Innovation and The Asia Group on how AI governance is unfolding globally, the key tensions shaping global regulations, and what these developments mean in the United States, the Indo-Pacific, and beyond.

November 15, 2024|Events

2024 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Summit

This event will feature keynotes and panels with speakers from GTIPA member organizations; experts on trade, globalization, innovation, and IP policy issues; and leaders from India’s business, academic, and policymaking communities.

November 14, 2024|Reports & Briefings

GTIPA Perspectives: The Vital Importance of Digital Inclusivity for Global Economic Growth

Information and communications technology (ICT) is driving global economic growth and economic opportunity. Many countries are taking effective steps to deploy digital infrastructure, enhance citizens’ digital skills and literacy, empower women and disabled citizens to leverage digital tools, and helping small- and medium-sized enterprises take advantage of digital technologies.

September 23, 2024|Blogs

We Need an Allied Effort to Establish New Global Manufacturing Hubs to Compete With China

China accounted for 35 percent of global manufacturing as of 2023. The United States and Western allies should launch a global competition to establish competing manufacturing hubs in countries that commit to reforming restrictive regulations, reducing corruption, boosting skill development, and ensuring adequate financial incentives and infrastructure.

August 28, 2024|Blogs

Alzheimer’s Disease Next Game Changer: TauRx Pharmaceutical’s Novel Tau Aggregation Inhibitor

TauRx is revolutionizing Alzheimer's treatment with a novel drug that targets toxic brain proteins, offering fresh hope in the fight against this devastating disease.

August 16, 2024|Blogs

Innovative Cure For All: How CurASeal’s Plant-Based Technology Advances Bleeding Control and Wound Healing

InCurA is revolutionizing MENA's medical landscape with AI-optimized, locally produced hemostatic solutions like CurASeal, bridging the gap between innovation and accessibility while reducing reliance on global imports.

August 12, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Global R&D Investment by Biopharmaceutical Companies Was $276 Billion in 2021

A recent article found that all previous reports of the biopharmaceutical industry have grossly underestimated total research and development expenditures.

June 10, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Generative AI Is Changing the Global South’s IT Services Sector

Given the potential for countries to reshore and automate previously outsourced IT occupations, the Global South’s IT services appear vulnerable to the displacing effects of AI. Yet, existing policy responses may be insufficient to address that challenge.

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